2018 Conference

2018 Association for Women in Psychology Conference will take place on March 8-11, 2018 at the Sonesta Hotel in
Philadelphia Downtown Rittenhouse Square
Are you based in Philadelphia and interested in joining the conference planning committee? Email Sara Martino at sara.martino@stockton.edu.
Questions? Email the conference committee at awpphilly2018@gmail.com!

Future Conferences
2019: 50th Anniversary of AWP in Newport, Rhode Island
2020: TBD
Past Conferences
2017: Downtown Hyatt Regency in Milwaukee, WI, March 2-5, "What Color is Your Collar? Privilege, Power, and Social Class"
2016: Omni William Penn in Pittsburgh, PA, March 3-6, "Strong Girls And Wise Women: Sustaining Feminism For The Future"
2015: Holiday Inn Downtown Golden Gate in San Francisco, CA, March 5-8, "Repairing, Restoring, and Reintegrating: Feminism and Restorative Justice"