Mission Statement
AWP is a diverse feminist community of psychologists and allied professionals invested in the integration of personal, professional, and political power in the service of social justice.
We challenge unexamined privilege and dominant discourses that marginalize and oppress within psychology and the wider society.
AWP accomplishes this by promoting feminist scholarship, teaching, practice, and networking, and through mentoring, activism, and influencing public policy.
Vision Statement
We are committed to a just and inclusive world without sexism and oppression, one that supports the psychological development and well-being of all people.
Our Membership
Our membership welcomes people of all genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, and abilities. We include academics, researchers, clinicians, healing professionals, activists, community leaders, and students.
AWP is devoted to the following goals:
• Providing feminist training and continuing education for members
• Challenging and critiquing traditional ideas about mental health
• Acting responsibly and sensitively with regard to people of all identities
• Challenging traditional societal structures and institutional policies
• Working towards the elimination of all types of discrimination and oppression including (but not limited to):
- Gender / Gender Identity
- Race / Ethnicity
- Age
- Social Class
- Sexual Orientation / Sexuality
- Religion / Spirituality
- Ability
- Size
- Country of Origin
- Immigration
- Partner status
- Health status
• Understanding the intersection of identities
• Creating opportunities for feminist contributions and the dissemination of feminist ideas within the field of mental health
• Promoting and support feminist activism
• Providing a forum to address current issues related to feminist teaching, scholarship, research, institutional, and clinical practice
• Creating a diverse AWP membership and leadership
• Promoting feminist process that includes cooperation and consensus
• Promoting research and activism in women’s health
• Providing feminist mentoring and support
One of AWP's proudest achievements is our continuing, always evolving, reliance on feminist process. The Implementation Collective (i.e., Imps; our governing board) works as a cooperative unit, has voluntary members, and open meetings.
Governing Documents
Bylaws of the Association for Women in Psychology (Last Approved: September 2022)Fiscal Policy of the Association for Women in Psychology (Last Revised: March 2025)