Keynote Speakers
AWP 2021: Doing Anti-Racism Work and Addressing Intergenerational Trauma
Keynote Speaker | Saturday | March 6, 2021
Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis

Thema Bryant-Davis is a licensed psychologist, professor of psychology at Pepperdine University, and director of the Culture and Trauma research lab. She is a past psychology representative to the United Nations and a past president of the Society for the Psychology of Women. Dr. Bryant-Davis has published and presented on the cultural context of trauma recovery including the societal trauma of racism. She is author of the book Thriving in the Wake of Trauma: A multicultural guide and editor of the book Multicultural Feminist Therapy: Helping Adolescent Girls of Color to Thrive. The California Psychological Association honored Dr. Bryant-Davis as Distinguished Scholar of the Year. The Institute of Violence, Abuse, and Trauma has honored her for excellence in mentorship within the field of trauma psychology and in media contributions to advancing the public's knowledge of trauma. The American Psychological Association has honored her for contributions to the public good for her work in trauma psychology. In 2020 the International Division of APA honored her for contributions to the psychological study of women and gender with a focus on Africa and the African Diaspora. Dr. Thema, a psychologist and trauma survivor, is host of the Homecoming Podcast which empowers listeners on the journey home to themselves.
You can follow Dr. Thema on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Keynote Speakers | Sunday | March 7, 2021
Dr. Della Mosley and Ms. Pearis Bellamy

Dr. Della V. Mosley (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor in the APA-accredited Counseling Psychology Program at the University of Florida. She created and leads the Wellness, Equity, Love, Liberation, and Sexuality (WELLS) Healing and Research Collective. She is a Black queer feminist, scholar, activist, and healer committed to liberation. Dr. Della’s research focuses on facilitating the wellness of Black and/or queer and transgender People of Color (QTPOC) and is undergirded by Black feminist-womanist-paradigms and liberating methods of inquiry. She uses practical, evidence-based, and culturally mindful solutions to fight oppression and facilitate healing and liberation of Black and QTPOC folx. She has published in top-tier journals, has been invited to speak nationally, and is engaged in radical social justice advocacy work. Dr. Della is an American Psychological Association Minority Fellow, co-authors the Psychology Today blog, “Healing through Social Justice” with the Psychology of Radical Healing Collective, and recently served as the Presidential Task Force Co-Chair for the American Psychological Association Society of Counseling Psychology.
You can follow Dr. Della on Instagram | Twitter
Pearis Bellamy, M.S. (she/her/hers) is a third-year counseling psychology doctoral candidate at the University of Florida. Pearis’ research interests include trauma specifically intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and racial trauma. She is a proud HBCU alumna and hopes to be an HBCU professor. As a Black doctoral student studying and experiencing racial trauma, Pearis dreamed up Academics for Black Lives, alongside her mentor, Dr. Della Mosley, in hopes of providing healing and support for Black people through collective action in academia.
You can follow Ms. Bellamy on Instagram | Twitter and Learn more about Academics for Black Survival and Wellness on Instagram | Twitter